IT actions when leaving UCA

When you leave UCA, you will no longer be able to use our IT services. This means you will not be able to use services such as UCA computers, email, myUCA, Adobe, Office 365 and LinkedIn Learning.

From your official leaving date you have 90 days before your account, and the data in it, is automatically deleted. There is no option to recover data or to delay the deletion. Once your account is gone then it is gone.

You should use your last 90 days of access to:

  • Save any emails and contacts
  • Provide an alternative email address to your contacts
  • Change your contact details for your subscription services
  • Save the files in your OneDrive and Adobe Cloud Storage
  • Move your LinkedIn Learning history
  • Spend any unused print credits

If you are continuing your studies at UCA on a different course, your IT account will remain.

If you have further queries regarding this, please contact your relevant campus Gateway team.


  • Can I keep my UCA email after I graduate?

    You will keep your UCA account for 90 days after your official end date. After this point, your account and everything saved within it will be deleted.

  • It has been more than 90 days since I completed my course, can I access the files I stored?

    No, if you have exceeded the 90 days, then your accounts have been deleted along with all its contents.

  • Can I keep my UCA Adobe and Microsoft Licences?

    No, you will keep the UCA licences for the 90 day period, but after this, your licences will expire and you will need to purchase your own personal licences to continue using the products. Make sure you have saved anything you had stored on the cloud storage associated with these accounts before you lose access.

  • I have graduated from my course, but I am planning to start another. Will I lose access?

    You will lose access if the gap between your courses is more than 90 days, but as long as you have applied and been accepted for your next course within those 90 days, your data and accounts will not be deleted.

    If you come back to UCA after officially leaving, or if the gap between your course end and the official acceptance of your new course is more than 90 days, your account will have been deleted and a new one will be created when you enrol. This will mean that any content will have been deleted.

  • How do I move my LinkedIn Learning history?

    To migrate your Learning history and settings to your own personal LinkedIn Learning account your UCA LinkedIn Learning account must be connected to a personal LinkedIn profile.

    This must be done before your UCA account access is revoked.

    To connect your LinkedIn accounts:

    • Create a personal LinkedIn profile
    • Log into LinkedIn Learning with your UCA credentials and go to: Me > Settings > Connect my Account and follow the process.

    When your access to LinkedIn Learning via UCA expires, your learning history will be held in stasis. When you regain access to LinkedIn Learning, either via another institution or a personal subscription, you can link the new account to your LinkedIn profile using the instructions above, and the learning history will be re-instated.

  • How do I retain my Adobe files?

    You will need to copy your files from the Cloud manually. Please make sure you do this before the 90 day period, to avoid losing your work.