If you have told us you are disabled, you have a learning difference or a medical condition that impacts on your learning, UCA’s experienced Disability & SpLD team is here to support you and academic colleagues to provide an accessible learning experience.
Our aim is to encourage and foster independent learning – we do this by helping you develop the strategies, skills and knowledge you need to succeed on your course.
We will work with you to:
- Think about your needs, expected outcomes and the support you need to successfully access learning.
- Support you through the process of applying for any external support you need, for example, Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).
- Signpost and refer you for additional assessments if required, for example, Dyslexia Assessment.
Under the Equality Act 2010, disabilities include:
- Neurodiverse conditions: Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, ADHD and Autistic Spectrum Conditions/Disorders.
- Mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, bipolar disorder and personality disorders.
- Chronic health conditions for example, diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, chronic fatigue, HIV, Crohn’s disease.
- Sensory and physical conditions for example, hearing impairment, visual impairment, mobility difficulties.
We will create an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) in order to have support or reasonable adjustments put in place. For more information, you can read UCA’s Guidance to Making Reasonable Adjustments.
Our service is confidential. Information about you is only passed to other people in the University or external services providers with your agreement to ensure you’re provided with the support you need.
For more information, see the Support for Success booklet.